You know what Sunday is...
The day after Groundhog Day.
Or, as it's more commonly referred to: the Super Bowl.
And because we assume yelling at the TV for four quarters will work up an appetite (and thirst), we've rounded up a few of our favorite food and cocktail recipes for you to consider making beforehand.
Here's the sorry truth about delivery or pickup chicken wings: they don't keep. Make them at home instead. And use chef Eric Greenspan's recipe.
We hate to be the bearers of bad news,'s still going to be pretty damn cold this weekend. So try this hot spiked cider recipe, via Chicago. We've taken to calling it our polar vortex cocktail, but "Super Bowl Sunday still-fucking-cold cocktail" works, too.
We've combined a refreshing appetizer with a refreshing, err, beer, to form this: ceviche-topped beer.
With this recipe, you'll be one of only a few people serving up black truffle sandwiches for the Super Bowl. The other few people being us.
This peanut butter fat washed bourbon cocktail is downright American.
As is this Spam Mai Tai. It's the cocktail equivalent of a Chevrolet Super Bowl commercial.
You can have either chips and salsa or this Korean beef jerky. Us, personally, we're going to go with the Korean beef jerky. (Ugh, fine, we guess you can have both.)
And, last but not least, here's a zesty hummus recipe from chef Jacob Pate at the acclaimed Houston bistro, Night Heron.

Night Heron Garden Pea Hummus
2 cup Chickpeas (Canned)
1 cup Green Peas (frozen or fresh)
1 tsp salt
1 Tbl Lemon Juice
½ cup Tahini (available in the international aisle of grocery store)
1 tsp garlic powder
1 Tbl Everything spice
Boil the chickpeas in water for approximately 10 minutes, until tender; strain them and place in the fridge to cool. Meanwhile, combine all the other ingredients (minus the Everything spice) in a blender. Add cooled chickpeas and puree to desired texture. Top with torn mint and serve with your favorite crackers (Night Heron uses pretzel bread).