The adventurous sandwich connoisseur you are, we thought you might enjoy a simple recipe for this deliciously indulgent toasty: the Black Truffle Sandwich.
It hails from Chef Ken Frank, of the Michelin-starred French restaurant, La Toque at The Westin Verasa Napa. A known truffle lover, he was the first American to be invited to participate in the annual Fiera Internazionale Tartufo Bianco D’Alba—a fancy Italian truffle festival—and has been hosting the Napa Truffle Festival annually at his restaurant for the past eight years. Needless to say, he knows his stuff.
This new sandwich, enticingly pictured below, is currently available on his all black truffle menu, and incorporates fresh Black Winter Truffles from the Truffle and Wine Company in Western Australia. But since you’re probably not in Napa right now, we’ve taken the liberty of providing the recipe for you here to replicate at home—or for the Super Bowl.
Sure as hell beats not-doing-that.

La Toque's Black Truffle Sandwich
2 slices pain de mie (or any good ol’ white bread)
50 grams fresh black truffle
Sweet butter (soft)
Sea salt
Butter both sides of both slices of bread generously and fill the sandwich with sliced fresh truffle. Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 48-72 hours, allowing the truffle perfume to fully permeate the sandwich.
When ready to serve, unwrap the sandwich, open it and season the truffle with a little sea salt. Put it back together and toast under the broiler, turning a few times until the bread is a golden brown and the truffles inside are nice and hot. Cut in quarters and share—or don’t.