UrbanDaddy takes its content and its readers very seriously.
This means we spend a lot of time and effort finding things we think you'd like to know about. This also means that we'd be crazy to take money or anything like that in exchange for featuring something on our daily emails—you can't buy editorial love from the Daddy.
That being said, UrbanDaddy can't run on free love alone. We do promise never to publish any information for trade without clearly labeling it as such (and even when we do, we promise that whatever we're telling you about won't suck). So sometimes you will receive an email labeled "Sponsored Love," a paid email we send out on behalf of our sponsor.
Finally, we will not share or sell our subscriber list to anyone under any circumstance, even if the Patriot Act says we have to. Thank you for taking the time and interest to review our policies at UrbanDaddy. Please continue to enjoy the information we bring you.