This morning, as part of The New Yorker Radio Hour, esteemed editor David Remnick and Ryan Lizza
played back excerpts of the now-infamous call Anthony “the Mooch” Scaramucci made to Lizza, in
order to rant about the leakers, Reince Priebus and the difference between him and Steven
Bannon, who has apparently been trying to “suck his own cock” for God knows how long now.
You can listen to the segment below or on The New Yorker.
Once again, we at UrbanDaddy would like to thank The New Yorker for bringing us one of the most explosive pieces of reportage in recent political history, as well as for giving newfound relevance to the term “auto-fellatio.” And to Mr. Mooch—you may be gone, but you will not be forgotten.
You can listen to the segment below or on The New Yorker.
Once again, we at UrbanDaddy would like to thank The New Yorker for bringing us one of the most explosive pieces of reportage in recent political history, as well as for giving newfound relevance to the term “auto-fellatio.” And to Mr. Mooch—you may be gone, but you will not be forgotten.