Curated Vintage Stockings

Stocking Market

These Were Shirts. Now They’re Stockings.

So, today is December 6.

Which is St. Nicholas Day in Europe.

Which means kids in Europe woke up with presents.

But not you.

And that’s either because you aren’t a European child, or you just don’t have the right stocking.

You know... the right stocking.

Specifically, these Curated Vintage Stockings from Sault New England, just some dapper gift-stashing devices repurposed from cozy old shirts, available now.

You know Sault. That South End bastion of Yankee handsomeness. Well, at some point its owner came across a bunch of vintage shirts from the likes of Pendleton and L.L.Bean and thought they would be better as stockings. So his ex-partner made them into oversize holiday stockings, and now you can buy them. We’ve all been there.

Each is made from the fabric of two shirts, like a soft red chamois and a thick wool plaid. And the brass-tacked leather tabs will keep them hanging after someone fills them with iTunes gift cards and Hickory Farms sausages.

Ah, right. And only 12 of these things were made.

Guess they ran out of stocking-shirts.


Curated Vintage Stockings
available at Sault New England
577 Tremont St
Boston, MA, 02118

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