Stone Street Martini Lounge

Stir Crazy

A Tucked-Away Downtown Martini Bar

There are maybe three reasons to venture down a dark alley, through an unmarked door and up a steep flight of stairs.

Two are illegal, and we can’t mention them without fear of self-incrimination.

And the other is good gin.

Meet Stone Street Martini Lounge, a second-story, exposed-brick hideout for wholly unintimidating endeavors like sipping martinis on leather couches, now quietly open in Downtown.

This is great news, considering you’re in the market for a new after-dinner-martinis-with-dry-ice rendezvous spot. The kind of place with plush couches, red curtains and a mistress-approved, under-the-radar thing going on.

Try sneaking up here when you’re searching for a nightcap after finishing at Campisi’s. You’re looking for a door. It’ll be a red door. It’ll say “109” on it (that’s not the address). Then, you’re looking for a dark granite bar. It’ll be up some stairs and through a low-lit lounge. Ask the bartender for something in a highball and a tray of crispy oysters with spicy rémoulade. Yup, it’s going to be that kind of nightcap.

Oh, and in case you typically prefer your nightcaps around noon, you should know they’ll also be open for lunch.

You were getting tired of having three martinis at your desk.


Stone Street Martini Lounge
1520 Elm S
(at Stone Pl)
Dallas, TX, 75201

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