In an effort to take what we've learned from one of the most perspicacious shows on television, Curb Your Enthusiasm, and internalize them for use in our everyday lives, we're embarking on a not-so-humble endeavor—to source, identify and define Curb's ever-expanding glossary of, err, unique terms and phrases.
Today, we're sharing our favorites from the first three episodes of season nine. As this is a work-in-progress, and we can't do this alone (well, we could, but it would preclude writing about pretty much anything else) we'd love your help. If you'd like to submit a Curb-ism for us to add to the glossary, please share it with us on the appropriate Twitter or Facebook post, or use this tips form.
Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 4

Episode 5

Episode 6

Episode 7

Episode 8

Episode 10