
10 Scenes from Mad Men We Still Can't Get Over 10 Years Later

Lois and the Lawnmower, Zou Bisou Bisou and the Lucky Strike Pitch That Started It All

Photo: AMC
A decade ago today, the first episode of Mad Men premiered on AMC. Since then, television has never quite been the same. So herewith, we present the ten scenes that have managed to stick with us ten years later...

Don's first season Lucky Strike pitch

Betty Draper shooting pigeons

Joan leads the Christmas party conga line

Channeling the frustration of the entire viewing audience, Lane punches Pete in the face 

In one of show's dreamier sequences, a mustachioed Roger Sterling plays organ while Peggy roller skates around the office

Roger and Jane drop acid

The most erotic bathroom fingerbang of all time

Lois and the lawnmower 

Zou bisou bisou

Ladies and gentlemen, Peggy Fucking Olson

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