
A Celebration of the Presidential Workout Regime

From Running in Way-Too-Short Shorts to Riding a Moose, How Commanders in Chief Have Kept Fit

By Chris LaMorte ·
None 15 Photos A Celebration of the Presidential Workout Regime
Does the way a president keeps in shape say anything about them? Well, let’s see.

Barack Obama likes to play pickup basketball.

Bill Clinton and George W. Bush were fond of jogging.

Theodore Roosevelt rode around on a moose.

What we’re getting at is we’ve been thinking about presidential fitness, if for no other reason than to show you a picture of Teddy on that moose. You’ll just have to see it to understand.
Chris LaMorte

Chris LaMorte’s favorite lapel: peak. Favorite bulldog: French. Can you offer him a glass of champagne: yes. Often mistaken for: Zach Galifianakis. Often mistakes himself for: Bradley Cooper.

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