
The Most Complete Visual Record of Surfing Ever Compiled

237 Years of Gnarly Waves Sitting on Your Coffee Table

By UrbanDaddy Staff ·
None 4 Photos Surfing. 1778–2015
Today, 20 million people around the world surf.

However, only a small percentage of them will ever know the satisfying thud that Taschen’s new surfing opus will make on their coffee table.

You see, Surfing. 1778–2015, a tsunami of 592 glorious pages of everything you want to know about surfing, is for a special breed.

Here’s a checklist to see if you are among that ilk:

1. You like surfing. Because you’re about to drop $200 on a book about it.

2. You like pictures involving surfing. Because this book has more than 900 of them.

3. You teach a class at UCLA on the history of surfing. Or would like to be ready just in case you are ever asked to. Because this covers about 237 years of the sport in chronological order.

4. You just like looking at centerfolds. Because this has one as a long foldout, which is basically like a centerfold.

5. You like the centerfolds to be of surfboards and their evolution. Because that’s what this one is.

6. You’re someone who would like to buy an $850 signed, limited edition of the photograph on your book’s cover. Because you’ll soon be able to do that.

7. You’re someone who insists that your artwork match your reading material. Because... just because.

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