Some people just don’t get it. They insist on using these phones of theirs to make actual phone
And then it’s on you to listen to the messages they leave.
The nerve.
The time has come for No More Voicemail, a new app that simply won’t ever permit your voicemail to answer the phone again. It’s a real thing. And downloadable now for iOS and Android.
You’re embarking on a noble undertaking to teach every person who has ever cared about you to stop dialing and start texting, like the rest of civilized society. Because you probably never check your voicemails anyway.
And here’s how you do it:
1) Install the app on your phone.
2) Next time you get a call, you either answer it, or you don’t.
And that’s about it. If you miss the call or choose to ignore it, the caller won’t even get the chance to leave a message. They’ll just be forwarded to another number that rings and rings and rings until they give up trying to tell you about the thing they wanted to tell you about.
Or they’ll go insane and spend the rest of their life listening to a ringing cell phone.
It’s really not your problem at that point.
And then it’s on you to listen to the messages they leave.
The nerve.
The time has come for No More Voicemail, a new app that simply won’t ever permit your voicemail to answer the phone again. It’s a real thing. And downloadable now for iOS and Android.
You’re embarking on a noble undertaking to teach every person who has ever cared about you to stop dialing and start texting, like the rest of civilized society. Because you probably never check your voicemails anyway.
And here’s how you do it:
1) Install the app on your phone.
2) Next time you get a call, you either answer it, or you don’t.
And that’s about it. If you miss the call or choose to ignore it, the caller won’t even get the chance to leave a message. They’ll just be forwarded to another number that rings and rings and rings until they give up trying to tell you about the thing they wanted to tell you about.
Or they’ll go insane and spend the rest of their life listening to a ringing cell phone.
It’s really not your problem at that point.