
Pic of the Litter

Sexy Cameras. Apparently It’s Possible.

Taking pictures with your phone and sharing them on Instagram is a thing that’s popular.

But turns out, real cameras exist. And sometimes, they’re sexy.

Don’t look at us like that...

Look at Anchors & Anvils instead, a vintage wonderland of old-fashioned cameras that take old-fashioned pictures and hang on old-fashioned leather straps, online now.

Cell phone pictures are stupid. At least that’s (presumably) the philosophy of the guy behind this stuff. He’s taking vintage cameras and restoring them with wood finishes and freshly retooled parts.

Right now, there are three models. There’s a Graflex Kowa Century 35 with recalibrated range finders, a Minolta 7S with a mahogany finish and an Argus C3 that was produced from 1939 to 1966. And if those words mean nothing to you—just pick one. They’re cameras. You can make it work.

Oh, and you’ll need something to carry it with. They’ve got such things. Like a leather strap with a nickel-plated metal slider buckle.

Once you have a nickel-plated metal slider buckle, you won’t be able to live without one.

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