
Rome Again

Your Favorite Hidden Pasta Joint, Reborn

None 4 Photos Volare
Sometimes love is better the second time around.

Though frankly, it doesn’t hurt to bring a pizza with for a little insurance.

So welcome once again to Volare, that little out-of-the-way Streeterville pasta cove, now reopened after a massive five-week hiatus and massive-er face lift.

True, one of the charms of this place has always been that it felt like it was a cozy throwback to an era of Dean Martin crooning about moons hitting eyes like big pizza pies. (That it was hidden under the noses of Michigan Avenue tourists and filled with folks who refer to their marinara as “gravy” was just, in fact, gravy.)

But now, you’ll find a place that’s doubled in size and is painted the color of the Tuscan sun. So... more conspicuous. There’s a second dining room in back with a small bar just in case you still want to have those discreet lunches—we know your alone time with an Italian sausage panini is nonnegotiable.

But the bigger news pertains to pizza. They now have it. So think of this as a good after-work spot when you want to blow off steam with a beer and something topped with prosciutto. But if that prosciutto and beer leads to linguini with clams, a juicy steak and a bottle of chianti, you’ll be set.

Prosciutto is a well-known gateway meat.

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