
Zoom Zoom

A Telephoto Lens for Your Phone

UD - iPhone Telephoto Lens Magnum, P.I., has always held a certain place in your heart.

Which is why you’ve got the ’stache, the shirt and, of course, the Ferrari.

But to complete the image, you need some Selleck-ian gadgetry. Like a telephoto lens for “checking in” on targets (you didn’t learn how to breach Canadian Parliament for nothing). That could also call people and download apps.

Presenting the iPhone Telephoto Lens, a powerful 8x zoom for your phone’s camera lens, now available online.

So the next time you’re off on a “mission” (in this case, enjoying courtside seats with a buddy at the Celtics), you’ll want to keep this baby in your pocket. When you notice Garnett at the far end of the court talking smack to the face of some opposing team’s power forward, pull it out, clasp the case onto the phone and screw in the lens.

You’ll be able to nab shots up close and personal simply by zeroing in on your subject and twisting the ring on the lens to lock up the focus (your depth of field for sports photography has been called “haunting”).

And it even comes with a collapsible tabletop tripod, for those times when you realize your hands would be best employed elsewhere as the camera records the activity of the moment.

Remember to aim straight at the bed.

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