Food & Drink

Stanley Tucci Made You These Comfort Foods for the Holidays

Warm Up with Chicken Noodle Soup and Cheesy Pasta

Image: S.Pellegrino

You know that hypothetical game where you list the people you'd invite to your ideal dinner party?

We have a better game.

In our version, we don't invite anybody over; instead we just show up to Stanley Tucci's house and he makes us pasta.

But while waiting for that to happen, here's the next best thing: Stanley Tucci’s Stelline Two Ways, a meal kit featuring the actor's Italian family recipes. It's available now for a limited time, so pick up a few for the holidays.

Tucci has once again partnered with S.Pellegrino and World Chef. Last year, they teamed up to make a Gnocchetti con Salsiccia e Broccolini kit, and this year they're giving you two dishes in one box. The first is Brodo di Gallina con Polpettine di Pollo, a chicken noodle soup with meatballs, and the second is Pastina Classica, a simple dish featuring pasta, butter and finely grated Parmigiano Reggiano. Both are warm, comforting and exactly what you want as the temperature drops.


The kit comes with everything you need. In the case of the Brodo di Gallina, that means star-shaped pasta, all the ingredients for the soup — chicken stock, diced vegetables, shredded chicken breast and parsley — plus ground chicken, bread crumbs, Parmesan and garlic for the meatballs. 

The pasta featured in each dish is a nod to the recent discontinuation of Ronzoni brand star-shaped pasta. Tucci loves it, and the pasta is an anchor in the chicken soup he ate growing up. So he teamed with S.Pellegrino to revive it for this meal kit.

Once the kit arrives, you'll see that all the prep work has been done for you, so it's easy to finish the meals and start eating in about 20 minutes. 

Which, coincidentally, is the exact length of time you can abide before giving up and ordering delivery.

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