Food & Drink

Chicken Nugget French Fry Ramen Is a Thing That Exists Now

Cup Noodle's Latest Flavor is Every Middle School Boy's Dream Meal

By Cait Munro ·

Remember, if you can, back to a time before you developed the sophisticated taste buds that you no doubt enjoy today—when pizza, french fries, and hotdogs were delicacies and the thought of consuming a vegetable was as abhorrent as getting grounded for a week with no TV. It's undoubtedly with this palate in mind that the folks at Nissin cooked up their newest Cup Noodle flavor, which pairs the crispness of chicken nuggets and the deep-fried goodness of french fries with... microwaveable ramen? 

Yep, that's right, the so-called Cup Noodle Potenage Big combines many of the staples of the average impoverished college student's diet in one $1.91 styrofoam vessel. According to Mashable, the ingredients include the aforementioned chicken nuggets plus potatoes, scrambled eggs, green onion and black pepper-flavored soup. Which, I don't know, Nissin, you actually almost had me until the scrambled egg part. Why scrambled eggs in soup? Why?

Whether or not anyone above the age of 19 who can afford to spend more than two dollars on dinner decides to partake in the experience of consuming a soup filled with chicken nuggets and scrambled eggs remains to be seen, but the brave folks at a site called RocketNews24 apparently got their hands on the product, which is currently only available in Japan, and report that "the potato chunks have an enticing aroma, and are soft and delicious," while the "chicken nuggets are small in size, but pack plenty of flavor with their spicy breading, and their meat is moist and tender all the way to the center." 

Do with that information what you will. 

Cait Munro

Cait Munro is a freelance writer, editor, and digital content creator who obsesses about art, fashion, entertainment, and culture both pop and otherwise. Her work has appeared on Vice, New York Magazine, Artnet News, xoJane, BULLETT, and elsewhere.

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