Bulletproof Labs

Can the Gym of the Future Help Us Atone for the Past?

A First-Hand Investigation of Santa Monica's Bulletproof Labs

By Hadley Tomicki ·

We like to think we killed December.

And come January 1, we felt half-dead.

Mad nights of wassailing and New Year's smooches demanded a jumpstart to a once-unwavering path to good health.

So we contacted Bulletproof Labs, Santa Monica's new multimillion-dollar biohacking facility dedicated to high-performance training shortcuts from the minds behind Bulletproof Coffee.

Though the center embraces progressive workouts and continual testing to strengthen and repair members from a cellular level, we figured we'd check out some of its cool, space-age technology to see how it might help our battered frame.

Join us on this special investigation. Sure, you can be Mulder...

The Apparatus: The Cheat Machine, an all-in-one, motor-driven weight-lifting machine providing adaptive resistance.
The Claim:
Achieve the equivalent of a week's worth of workouts in 15 minutes.
The Results:
In a mere six to eight reps per exercise, we lifted tens of thousands of pounds. Now we're struggling to move our arms. As desired.

The Apparatus: Cold High Intensity Interval Training, a sort of stationary bike involving cold water and compression.
The Claim:
Give your body the benefits of an intense 2.5 hour workout in 21 minutes.
The Results:
It was a relaxed ride interspersed with a few quick sprints, leaving our bodies buzzing and our energy unusually high. The next day, we felt more toned and energized. And less cold.

The Apparatus: The Virtual Float Tank, a gyrating spacepod for sensory deprivation, without water and with insaner visuals.
The Claim:
It drops your brain into a meditative theta state for deep relaxation and clarity.
The Results:
Look, we may or may not have done drugs in the past. This was way cooler. Afterward, we felt abnormally centered, focused, relaxed and positive.

Conclusion: A more effective workout in less time appears quite possible here. We imagine a day when all gyms carry such equipment. For now, we've regained motivation to keep hitting the gym.

The boring one of the past.

Hadley Tomicki

Hadley Tomicki lives in Los Angeles. He is probably going nowhere on the 10 Freeway this very second.


Bulletproof Labs
3110 Main St
Santa Monica, CA, 90405

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