Food & Drink

Labor Day Cocktails: Grilled Pineapple Tequila

Prepare to Blow Minds at Your Next Cookout

By Hadley Tomicki ·

If there's one thing you don't probably need help with, it's taking a break from labor to tuck into some meat and a stiff drink. But here we are, regardless, letting you know about a few great drinks you can make for friends over the three-day weekend while standing within 30 feet of a grill. We wish we knew how to quit you.

You're grilling. You're drinking. You're even going to use the grill to make your next drink. All because of this relatively simple way to make pineapple-infused tequila. Prepare it today and it'll be ready to pass around a circle of friends by Sunday evening. Or a rhomboid of friends. That doesn't matter. Now to the grill with you.

Grilled Pineapple Tequila

1 whole pineapple

750ml of Tequila Blanco

After removing the rind, slice one entire pineapple into one-inch thick rings. On high heat, place rings on grill for about five minutes on each side, then allow them to cool totally. In an airtight jar or bottle, combine pineapple with 750ml of tequila blanco. Store in refrigerator for three days. After three days, remove pineapple and strain liquid using a fine mesh strainer. It's now ready to enjoy in margaritas and on its own.

Hadley Tomicki

Hadley Tomicki lives in Los Angeles. He is probably going nowhere on the 10 Freeway this very second.

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