If there's one thing you don't probably need help with, it's taking a break from labor to tuck into some meat and a stiff drink. But here we are, regardless, ,letting you know about a few great drinks you can make for friends over the three-day weekend while standing within 30 feet of a grill. We wish we knew how to quit you.
This drink is called Speaking in Tongues and it comes from renowned bartender Deysi Alvarez of new Blacksmiths in Downtown Los Angeles. It involves smoke. Which means you get to mix alcohol and playing with fire. Always a good idea.
Speaking in Tongues
3/4 oz lemon juice
3/4 oz honey syrup "smoked" with hickory**
1.5 oz Old Overholt Rye Whiskey
Splash of Fernet Branca
Lemon peel for garnish
Smoke the glass with hickory wood for effect and flavor
** "Smoked" Honey Syrup
Preheat oven to 350
At 350, on an over safe plate lay down hickory wood around a container containing honey for 20 to 30 minutes. The scent of smoke will penetrate the honey and give it a smoked flavor.
For effect before serving, light a piece of hickory wood on fire and circle the smoke around the glass.
Hickory wood can be bought on Amazon.