Food & Drink

You’re a Pizzaiolo Now

You Can Thank This 600-Degree Stovetop Pizza Oven

By UrbanDaddy Staff ·
You know those big brick ovens you find in better pizza shops.

The ones that burn wood and turn out pies in 90 seconds.

You should not put one of those in your home kitchen.

That would be ridiculous.

But this... now this seems reasonable. It’s the Pizzeria Pronto Stovetop Pizza Oven, and it’s a new means of baking pizzas to-order on your gas stove. So, step one: have a gas stove. Good. Step two involves procuring one for yourself, which is quite simple considering this thing’s available online now.

The housing is made from stainless steel and the base is cordierite stone, the latter of which absorbs heat from the flame and distributes it evenly across the surface. So just throw together some dough and toppings, open the little door and slide your pre-pizza into the oven. It’ll get up to 600 degrees in there, and six minutes later: dinnertime.

Sheesh, finally.


Pizzeria Pronto Stovetop Pizza Oven

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