Food & Drink

Drink Big

Introducing the UrbanDaddy DrinkList

None Few things you need before continuing:

1) A general propensity toward delicious cocktails.

2) A desire to drink said cocktails in the contiguous United States.

3) A way to find out where all those cocktails are.

Here with the assist on that last one: the UrbanDaddy DrinkList, a highly curated, highly scientific new means by which to find all the delicious cocktails your city has wrought, online now.

Basically, this will help you find the perfect drink based on all your whims and fancies.

You’re going to go to the site and pick which city you’re in. Your New Yorks. Your Austins. Your Chicagos. Your three-other-cocktail-rich-cities. Then you’re going to pick the flavor profile you want. Maybe it’s citrus or bitters or spicy. Or maybe you want to let it surprise you. Surprises are fun, too.

Now click the little arrow. A bunch of pictures of colorful drinks will pop up, along with their names and where to find them. So will directions and phone numbers.

Good. Now that you have all the necessary information, you’re free to go forth and quaff upon the right things.

Knowledge is power and all that.

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