Larry Ellison’s Tahoe Mansion

Lake Superior

Larry Ellison’s Tahoe Manse, by the Numbers

None 10 Photos Larry Ellison’s Tahoe Mansion
Larry Ellison.

Guy does okay for himself.

In fact, one might even say he’s the third wealthiest human in America.

And when you’re graced with such a distinction, it only makes sense that you would buy a mansion on Lake Tahoe, spend three years transforming it into a billionaire’s playground, then turn around and put it up for sale.

Well, that just happened. And, well... that deserves your immediate attention.

Here now: a numerical breakdown of Larry Ellison’s Tahoe Mansion...

Current asking price: $28.5 million
Number of square feet $28.5 million gets you: 9,242 (main house) + 4,260 (guesthouses)
Total number of bedrooms: 13
The luckiest number of bedrooms ever: 13
Ratio of soundproof screening rooms to billiards rooms to saunas: 1:1:1
Total acreage of the property: 2.62
Approximate percentage of said acreage that has a hot tub overlooking the lake on it: 0.01%
Private sandy beaches: 1
Giant sand sculptures of your face you should definitely build there: at least 2
Number of piers on the lake: 2
Number of boats and jet skis docked near those piers: a bunch
Number of boats and jet skis included in the purchase price: 0
Odds that if you can afford this place, you can also afford to replace them: 28,500,000-28,500,000


Larry Ellison’s Tahoe Mansion
1180 Highway 50
Glenbrook, NV, 89413


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