Bagatelle Beach & Nightclub


A Notorious Brunch Party Invades the Strip

Beach bocce. High heels. The smoked salmon Bellini.

Believe it or not, they’ve all got something in common: a noticeable absence at your brunch table.

Here to correct that little oversight: Bagatelle Beach & Nightclub, a more... European-style dayclub, soft-opening next weekend at the Tropicana and hard-opening in a few weeks with a brunch party where the champagne flows like OJ and the women dance dangerously close to your waffles.

Of course, this style of brunching was developed in the French Mediterranean (a place similar to Vegas in libertinism, but with beaches) and was typically practiced in Bagatelle’s haughty Manhattan Meatpacking outpost on Sundays... until now.

Here, you’ll walk through the side entrance, bypassing the Tropicana casino, stepping onto a sunny pool deck (once occupied by Nikki Beach) with a new pool complete with submerged furniture, cabanas after cabanas and an amphitheater for musical sets/Shakespeare by the Pool. Elsewhere: beach volleyball courts, poolside card dealers and raised leather banquettes where you’ll sample their idea of pool party cuisine: yellowtail salmon sashimi, peppers stuffed with crab (don’t ask us where they get those).

But do join them in a game of beach soccer on the pitch and tip your Panama hat to the DJ manning the top of the giant boulder.

Maybe he’ll play the soundtrack from Cliffhanger if you shout nicely.

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