Downtown Vintage Guitars

Center Stage

Drinking in a Vintage Guitar Shop

Sinatra had the Sands. Wayne Newton had the Stardust. And you, well... we think you’re long overdue for a standing gig of your own.

The bad news: it’s a little bit smaller than the packed arenas you’re used to. The good news: it comes with a fully stocked bar.

Welcome to Downtown Vintage Guitars, a guitar shop outfitted with a full-service bar, open now in Downtown Vegas.

So once you’ve made your fortune at the baccarat table, you’ll want to take a quick cab ride off the Strip to check out a few “investment opportunities”—like vintage Les Pauls, a 30-year-old Stratocaster and a cache of custom guitars and amps handmade on site. The axe-builders have been at this for 30 years, and started the shop so they’d have a place to show them off. And maybe serve up a few drinks at the same time.

The result: essentially, a small club, equipped with soft leather couches, dozens of guitars hanging on the wall and one concert-ready stage—the perfect place to give your chops a workout after a long, hard day of blackjack and discussing Proust with showgirls. Just one warning: for the moment, the bar’s only open on nights when someone’s actually using the stage.

We’re pretty sure that’s how Wayne got his start.


Downtown Vintage Guitars
1106 S 3rd St
(at E Charleston)
Las Vegas, NV, 89104

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