
Look Up: It's a Weeklong Star Party at the Grand Canyon

The Free Event Runs June 18-25, with Lots of Good Views and Programming


Star parties are fairly common occurrences at observatories. 

But if you really want to go big this year, head to America's most famous crack in the ground.

Because the Grand Canyon Star Party is taking place June 18 through June 25, and it will include a full week's worth of dark skies, stargazing, planet-spotting and hanging out with fellow neck-craning enthusiasts.

June is the clearest month of the year, as the moon rises late in the evening, leaving all those stars visible from below. Star Parties occur at the canyon's north and south rim, so you can partake from either access point. People gather to gawk at the views, bringing telescopes or using the dozens of instruments available for public use.  

grand canyon star party
Star partiers gaze at the Milky Way | National Park Service

According to the National Park Service, you can expect to see "an assortment of planets, double stars, star clusters, nebulae and distant galaxies by night, and perhaps the Sun or Venus by day."

Each evening features a slate of programming, where you can learn more about the universe from astronomers, scientists and other experts. 

Listen up for details on the Mars Perseverance, the rover that landed on the planet, from someone who helped build it. Discover how factors that led to life on Earth hint at the possibilities for extraterrestrial life in the universe. Take a night-sky photography workshop. Listen to live music courtesy of the Dark Sky Quartet. And partake in mind-altering substances throughout the week.

That last one isn't part of the official programming. But it seems like a given considering the location and circumstances.

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