The world doesn't need another espresso machine.
Unless, maybe, it were some kind of wholly unique espresso machine—say, one that's built from concrete and based on the brutalist architecture movement that dominated the 1950s-1970s.
Then, sure.
AnZa is that machine. The product was first conceptualized a couple years ago. After a successful Kickstarter campaign, some design tweaks and lots of waiting, it's now available to purchase.

You know the brutalist movement from the usually-state-commissioned concrete structures, including government offices, public housing and schools, that are characterized by their heavy, stark aesthetic. This is like that, but it makes a great cup of coffee and looks surprisingly good on your counter.
The machines come in two options: concrete and white. The former is constructed from a hand-cast concrete shell, with porcelain and brass accents and powder-coated steel. It's not something you're likely to walk past and miss. The white one is similar—same machine, same functionality—but it's made from corian, brass and wood.

Both operate like a typical espresso maker and contain all the features you want, including a water tank, portafilter and steam wand. The only difference is that AnZa machines double as period-specific odes to architectural design.
Like a mini City Hall for your kitchen.