Visit your average remote paradise, and you're often inundated with other well-intentioned tourists, all clamoring to do/see/eat/experience what the local culture has to offer.
It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye from a selfie stick.
Visit the Mergui Archipelago off the coast of Myanmar, and you won't have that issue. (Not yet, at least.) Because for decades the 800 islands, lagoons, atolls and coral reefs of the archipelago were off-limits to visitors. Slowly the area opened up to limited, sustainable tourism, making it more accessible. You should check it out sometime.
Now, here's the part where we tell you how.

Burma Boating is launching monthly cruises around the archipelago, combining two activities that are best performed in pristine waters—yachting and scuba diving. The most elaborate of the bunch, a 7-night excursion with an emphasis on diving, begins in November and can be booked now online.
The 99-foot teak wood schooner—with the excellent name of "SY Dallinghoo"—is what you'll call home over those seven nights. It's got four private cabins, a kitchen, living room and a dedicated crew that will handle all the important yachting details. You know, like navigating among the islands, finding dive sites with particularly great coral and making sure you're well-fed. Meanwhile, you get to relax on the boat, working on nothing but your tan and your drink.

Along the way, you'll stop at several dive spots, where you can do some underwater exploring and make friends with marine life. The region is full of sharks, manta rays, colorful fish and the occasional cephalopod, so keep your head on a swivel. And between dives, you'll also have some time off the boat to kayak, snorkel, hang out on beaches and wander through small fishing villages.
It's a great way to see a part of the world that most people will never visit.
Unless, of course, they're also reading this article.
In which case, tell them we say hi.