Last time you hailed an Uber, you probably got a sedan. Something late model. A bottle of water in the back seat, maybe an offer to charge your phone.
Nothing to sneeze at.
But nothing that's submersible, either.
And you really need a submersible when you're turtle-watching off the Australian coast.
So, it's a good thing that Uber just launched the world's first rideshare submarine service. It's called ScUber, naturally, and it's providing unfettered underwater access to the Great Barrier Reef through June 18.
When the time comes, you'll simply... need to be in Queensland, Australia. Once that bit's settled, just open your Uber app on the morning you want to go exploring, and choose the scUber option. Enter "Great Barrier Reef" as your destination, and confirm the ride. That's when your phone will ring. Be sure to answer, because on the other end is a rep who will talk you through everything that happens next.
And what happens next is that, for a cool $3,000 AUD (a little over $2,000 USD), you and your most nautical friend will be picked up from your location by car and taken to a helicopter. From there, you'll be whisked away to the launch point, after which you'll take a one-hour ride in an honest-to-goodness submarine. Follow that with a half-day of snorkeling around the Great Barrier Reef, and you'll then be dropped off at your original pickup spot. It's a nice little day you've cobbled together.

When you're in the water, you'll get an up-close view of the world's largest reef system. To put things in perspective, it's roughly the size of 70 million football fields, and it's the only living structure that can be seen from the moon. It's also home to some top-notch marine life, including whales, sharks, manta rays and maybe even that exact turtle you see above, so keep your head on a swivel.
Also, you can be happy knowing that your somewhat frivolous-seeming adventure really isn't frivolous at all, because your money goes toward protecting and conserving the Great Barrier Reef.
Unintended philanthropy at its finest.