
Liquor Lab Will Make a Bartender of You Yet

A Real "Teach a Man to Fish" Situation in SoHo

By Ilana Dadras ·

For your next date where you want to do something other than drink, we're sending you to to Manhattan's first hands-on interactive cocktail event space—where you can drink, but also learn things about drinking.


It's called Liquor Lab, it's soft-open now in Soho, and will be open really-for real in the new year. 

You can think of this like a cooking class, just one that's primarily focused on the libations. Okay, solely focused on the libations—though most classes will provide you with some sustenance like charcuterie, veggies, dips, that sort of thing. Now, regardless of the class you choose, you'll be learning a thing or two about recipe history and preparation and then stirring and sipping your own drinks with the assistance of a cocktail expert and their minions. And here's where you'll be doing it.

Some classes to consider:

—Iconic New York Cocktails and Their Creators: It's where you'll recreate four classic drinks from the likes of Dale Degroff and Pouring Ribbons' Joaquin Simó. And no, it wouldn't be weird at all for one of the creators to show up to a class.

—Japanese Whiskey and Ice Carving: Wherein you'll learn what makes Japanese whiskey so unique, then taste five of the top-rated marks. You'll also learn how to create a classic Japanese ice ball, which is a valuable life skill.

—Margaritas and Tacos: Pretty self explanatory, but you should know that you'll be making four different variations on the margarita with infused tequilas and fresh purees, then pairing them with tacos.

Cool? Cool. Now check the calendar and book something if you're trying to get yourself in there sooner than later, because they're filling up rather fast.

No pressure or anything.

Ilana Dadras

Ilana Dadras passes her days writing about good food, talking about good food and consuming good food. Occasionally doing other things, too.

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