Hutchinson Cocktails & Grill

Starsky & Hutchinson

A Striking Indonesian Steakhouse on La Cienega

None 12 Photos Hutchinson Cocktails & Grill
Fun fact: 826 N La Cienega was once a restaurant named the Lobster Barrel, owned by the Skipper from Gilligan’s Island.

Just a little conversation starter you can use when you’re there next week for steak.

Now it’s Hutchinson Cocktails & Grill, a striking new Indonesian temple where classic filet mignon and Southeast Asian short rib tend to happen—it’s opening next Friday on La Cienega. (See the slideshow here.)

Inside you’ll see dark booths, hardwood floors, discreet patios and corner nooks. Yup, total steakhouse. Walls filled with graphic batik casts, masks of razor-fanged deities and fish-trap lamps... still a steakhouse.

This is the perfect place to bring a date, of course, or a client from Nebraska. They can go traditional with wood-fired filet mignon, béarnaise and a martini—and you’re free to try lobster tom kha or green curry fried chicken. But first, a White Russian from a Red Medicine vet, made with coffee liqueur, coconut cream, mezcal, vodka and Thai basil. (See the menu here.)

And if your guest list is more like 30 to 50 people longer, there’s a great private room on the side that’s full of old masks, carvings and statues of Indonesian gods...

They turn wine into more wine.

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