FEED Body & Soul

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An All-Day Hang on Abbot Kinney

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How to build a restaurant, in two easy steps:

1) Put a giant rotisserie right in the middle of it.

2) Maybe something about walls and a bar. Chairs? Whatever, you’ve got the rotisserie, so...

Behold the savory splendor of FEED Body & Soul, Abbot Kinney’s new hall of smoothies, cocktails and slow-turning meats, soft-opening tomorrow in Venice.

This is actually a pretty sleek-looking place. The lights come on early morning to reveal a central square marble bar, a big brass rotisserie and a nice person handing you an acai smoothie. Yep, it’s an acai-quinoa-hemp-seed kind of place. So you can feel sort of noble and Venice-y as you fork over some money before sundown.

After dark, though, everything changes. There’s really one thing happening for dinner, and that involves you, a date and whatever spit-skewered beast is on the rotisserie that night. (Technically you could also order a ton of other things—grain bowls, house-pickled vegetables, pork sandwiches. Technically.)

And as you begin to eat, a powerful thirst will overcome you. You’ll consider another acai something-something. But then you’ll remember a little thing called gin and instead opt for a Celery Root Collins.

You know, for the vitamin A.


FEED Body & Soul
1239 Abbot Kinney Blvd
Venice, CA, 90291


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