But first, we’ll need some bread.
And butter.
Also, cheese, a sandwich press, some vodka and a martini glass.
Introducing the Grilled Cheese Martini, a comfort food cocktail that counts grilled-cheese-flavored vodka as its main ingredient, available off-menu now at Beecher’s.
Let’s begin with some seemingly arbitrary numbers: 37. 24. 1.
37: tries it took a team of bartenders to successfully fuse vodka and grilled cheese.
24: hours that the sandwich is left to sit in a vat of vodka.
1: amount of times before tonight this has been served on American soil.
To sample this once-in-a-generation scientific spirit breakthrough, head deep down into the Cellar at Beecher’s, a fortress of glass, steel and aging cheese. Once inside, grab a server and tell them you require a sandwich. On the rocks.
What happens next can only be described as a deft blend of magic, lunacy and lunch. Into a cocktail mixer go vine-ripe tomatoes, muddled basil, tomato juice and a healthy pour of that double-filtered grilled cheese vodka.
Then there’s shaking and stirring, a martini glass is rimmed with house-reduced balsamic and crispy bits of Surryano prosciutto, and the entire concoction is poured over a giant tomato juice ice cube.
As for the taste, well, it’s exactly like grilled cheese.
Which makes us wonder what they could do with a tuna melt.