Eddie Bauer was founded in 1920 and is still one of the biggest names in American heritage clothing and outdoor gear.
Buck Mason came on the scene in 2013 and quickly established itself as a go-to for American-made tees, jeans and other essentials.
Fast forward a decade (aka now), and the two companies have teamed up on this military-inspired collection of jackets and other outdoor apparel.
To make it happen, Buck Mason went deep into the Eddie Bauer archives to uncover and reissue timeless pieces, including down-filled jackets that were revolutionary upon their release. The collection is composed of nine items, all in earthy colors like camel, olive and oregano.
For starters, there's the iconic 1940 Skyliner Jacket, which was Eddie Bauer’s original down jacket in the diamond-shaped quilted pattern. It's just as stylish today as it was back then, and you don't have to be a pilot to wear it. The Yukon Jacket features a shorter cut and modern silhouette with square quilting. There's also a merino baselayer crewneck and a good-looking down overshirt.
![Buck Mason x Eddie Bauer jacket Buck Mason x Eddie Bauer jacket](https://static.urbandaddy.com/uploads/assets/image/articles/inline/1020_Buck+Mason+Eddie+Bauer_inline.jpg)
For your lower half, there are merino baselayer pants, plus quilted flight pants that were originally designed by Eddie Bauer in 1942 to withstand the harsh Alaskan climate. So, they can probably withstand a stroll down the block to get coffee, or a particularly festive après-ski session.
Rounding out the collection is a cozy looking scarf and an actual quilt that's made with a weather-resistant shell and 650-fill premium down insulation. Cover yourself in the camouflaged print to hide from your enemies.
Or spread it on the ground during your next picnic so your pants don't get dirty.