Food & Drink

This Energy Bar Has a Michelin Star

If It Matters

By Hadley Tomicki ·
For lunch, you had a $30 artichoke salad. Now you're going to the gym. But are you really going to suffer the gross indignaties of some pedestrian Cliff Bar?

Hell no. Dean & Deluca has its own energy bars coming onto the market, guaranteed not to befoul your image in public. To be accurate, they are called "bio-performance bars" and they come in a variety of flavors. Some of which you won't need Google to tell you what the fuck they are.

For example, there's mekabu and hazlenut. And another with manuka and mango. All bars are intended to address specific things. So the turmeric and ginger is for inflammation, recovery time and circulation. While matcha and espresso helps make your mind sharper, while promoting vitality.

And if that doesn't sell you, D&D cites Michelin-starred Scottish chef Alan "The Murch" Murchison, also an awarded endurance runner with his own company called Performance Chef, as the force behind these bars. That's a promising first sign that these things won't taste like licking the floor of a lumber yard as much as some of its competitors.

Guess we'll find out when the bars go on sale at the end of the month.
Hadley Tomicki

Hadley Tomicki lives in Los Angeles. He is probably going nowhere on the 10 Freeway this very second.

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