
The Five Warmest Socks on Earth

God Damn It, We Still Need Them

By Geoff Rynex ·
We hate to say this, but in case you hadn’t noticed, winter was just lying in wait for a while. So once again, you find yourself needing hardy socks. Good ones. Better ones than you already have. Here are the warmest of the warm, for every unpleasantly bitter occasion you might encounter until the blooms start blooming.

The Pedal Blanket: American Trench Oregon City Blanket in Merino & Cashmere Sock

The Technicality: Under Armour Charged Wool Boot Sock

The “How Are You Running in This?”: Warrior Alpaca All-American Sports Sock

The “Use as Slippers”: Kapital 56-Thread Flag Border Sock

The “Sorry You Still Have to Work”: Pantherella Burghley Sock
Geoff Rynex

If Geoff Rynex is honest, he still doesn't really understand what Bitcoin is.

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