
Introducing the Spring Style Guide

Wisdom on Looking Better Than Everyone Else This Season

By Najib Benouar ·
Ah, spring.

So invigorating. So delightful. So... fickle.

Right. Unfortunately, spring isn’t all sunshine and gleefully chirping cartoon birds landing on your shoulder every day. It’s a season that requires a bit of forethought before stepping out the door each morning.

Which is why we’ve put together this comprehensive style guide to spring, with expert tips for your rainy-day uniform, the finest light-wash denim (yep, still a thing), white sneakers (yep, also still a thing), light knits for layering and, of course, history’s 25 greatest moments in umbrella-ing.

And much more. Right here.
Najib Benouar

Najib Benouar has been known on occasion to write about menswear, ice cream scoops and all other manner of gentlemanly pursuit.

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