Here’s a nickel’s worth of free advice.
Which you’re still getting for free.
There’s a time and a place for not drinking bottled cocktails.
This, though, this is just not that time, and it’s damn sure not that place.
It’s The Up & Up, a low-key Greenwich Village spot where your cocktails come in bottle and sometimes tap form, now open softly.
Once upon a time, in this particular cube of earthly matter, Bob Dylan and Allen Ginsberg plied their trades at a spot called the Gaslight. That’s been gone for several decades, but it’s nice to have it be a place you want to be at again. Particularly an exceptional cocktail place from the folks who ran the beloved Beagle.
You can expect things here that rhyme with “on-tap Schrusty Schnails” and “bottled Schnegronis.”
So anyway, you’re drinking those while sitting on leather of camel surrounded by some profoundly floral walls with the La Dolce Vita soundtrack playing during a time after your dinner date but before the end of the evening.
Some people get drinks during that time.
Which you’re still getting for free.
There’s a time and a place for not drinking bottled cocktails.
This, though, this is just not that time, and it’s damn sure not that place.
It’s The Up & Up, a low-key Greenwich Village spot where your cocktails come in bottle and sometimes tap form, now open softly.
Once upon a time, in this particular cube of earthly matter, Bob Dylan and Allen Ginsberg plied their trades at a spot called the Gaslight. That’s been gone for several decades, but it’s nice to have it be a place you want to be at again. Particularly an exceptional cocktail place from the folks who ran the beloved Beagle.
You can expect things here that rhyme with “on-tap Schrusty Schnails” and “bottled Schnegronis.”
So anyway, you’re drinking those while sitting on leather of camel surrounded by some profoundly floral walls with the La Dolce Vita soundtrack playing during a time after your dinner date but before the end of the evening.
Some people get drinks during that time.