Caffé Gio

Gio with It

A Gelato-Filled Nook in West Midtown

None “This page is in Italian. Would you like to translate it?”

Okay, we’ll translate it.

Cioccolato menthe means “chocolate mint.”

Scamorza fresco means “fresh smoked cheese.”

And gelati means... well, “gelato.”

It’s all there at Caffé Gio, a laid-back little gelateria with paninis, espresso and Bologna-imported gelato tucked away between Gio’s Chicken and Antico, officially open as of today on the Westside.

So if you haven’t put two and two together yet, this is brought to you courtesy of the Antico guys. It’s a little more relaxed than the other spots. Actually, here’s the long and short of it: there’s a big gelato case inside and a little patio outside. That’s all we have for you.


They’re also doing food food here. So this just went from being a swing-by-for-dessert situation to a make-an-afternoon-of-it situation. The kind of spot where you’ll start with a caramel macchiato, graduate to a Napoletano Panini with meatballs and ragù, and finish with one of 11 gelato options like lemon, biscotti-and-cream and pistachio.

Or three of 11 options.


Caffé Gio
1099 Hemphill Ave NW
Atlanta, GA, 30318

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