With much of the country knee-deep in snow or otherwise dealing with frigid temps right now, let's lift the mood.
By talking about cold plunges.
Specifically a luxurious private jet expedition that'll see you traveling around the world to partake in the chilly, healing waters of coveted destinations throughout Northern Europe and Scandinavia.
Called A Nordic Adventure, this two-week itinerary comes from TCS World Travel, a leading operator of private jet expeditions. It kicks off July 4. Because nothing says Independence Day like jumping into a frigid fjord.

The trip will be hosted by TCS World Travel President Shelley Cline, who's an avid proponent of cold plunges and has been a regular practitioner since 2019. Cold water immersion is associated with several potential health benefits, including reduced inflammation, improved circulation, enhanced recovery after exercise, and boosted metabolism.

Over those two weeks, guests will travel by private jet to destinations including Greenland and the Faroe Islands, as well as European cities like Reykjavík, Helsinki, Copenhagen and Tallinn, Estonia. Naturally, the expedition will offer plenty of options for plunging into cold water, whether it's by jumping off the back of a cruise ship off the coast of Greenland, slipping into a cold plunge pool at the famed Blue Lagoon in Iceland, or stepping into the Baltic sea.

It's not all about cold plunges, so attendees will also have plenty of time to explore their surroundings, eat like champions, stroll historic town centers and warm up in saunas.
The expedition is all-inclusive and includes travel on the privately chartered jet and cruise ship, plus first-class accommodations throughout your stay, ground transportation, meals and beverages, sightseeing activities, veteran guides and even a trip doctor.
This probably goes without saying, but you might want to consult your own doctor before jumping into freezing water.