Used to be, if you wanted to drink temperature-regulated cocktails, cold brew coffee, tea and some kind of tasty infusion, you'd have to fill your bag with multiple pieces of drink-specific equipment.
Times are different now. Better. More convenient.
Because soon you'll have the All-Day Adventure Flask from Hibear, which can turn any camping trip, tailgate or music festival into a well-hydrated hangout where ice-cold Old-Fashioneds and hot tea can be conjured by one versatile bottle. The company is taking pre-orders now on the world wide web.

The 32-ounce receptacle resembles a growler, although some people might call it a "water bottle." It's made from powder-coated stainless steel and sports double-wall vacuum insulation to keep cold beverages cold and hot drinks hot, just as nature never intended. There's a built-in strainer and filter basket for making cocktails, coffee and tea. And the removable silicon sleeve protects the bottle while also doubling as a cup in a pinch.
Seems like these guys thought of everything. To further illustrate that point, here's an illustration.

And below are a few more things you can do with this handy contraption.
—Throw in some booze, ice and your favorite mixers, and shake up a cocktail right there in the bottle. Then strain it out using the strainer. Nicely done, you just went from thirsty to Daiquiri in 30 seconds.
—Invert the pour-over lid to make pour-over coffee, just like your favorite Barista does it. More or less.
—Add coffee grounds and cold water to the enclosed filter basket, wait many hours, and then drink some cold brew coffee.
—Add tea leaves and hot water, and do the same thing in a much shorter amount of time.
—Put beer in it.
—Put whiskey in it.
—Put wine in it.
—Put water in it.
Sorry, ran out of ideas there at the end.