If you asked me yesterday what a meat candle was, I would have without a doubt given you as juvenile and corrupt an answer as they come. That’s simply my terrible human nature. But that was a hypothetical 24 hours ago, and today we live in a different time, a different world—one in which meat-scented candles very much exist.

Yes, the tangy steak sauce Gods of A1 have actually gone and created the meat-scented candles you’ve been beseeching beside your charcoal grill the past decade. And they come in three desirable scents: Burger, Backyard Barbecue and Original Meat.
Drawing a bubble bath? Light up a Burger for maximum relaxation.
Stuck indoors on a rainy Saturday afternoon? You and Backyard Barbecue just became best friends.
Planning a romantic night in with a Tinder date? One whiff of Original Meat ought to break that ice right in half.
The opportunities are endless. And perhaps the best part? These beef wicks burn for a lasting 40-60 hours. Which is like, twice as long as your dad’s slow roast.
The limited-edition candles may be sold out by the time you’re reading this, but rest assured, A1 plans to have them back in stock come Father’s Day or the Fourth.