A five-bedroom 16th century Scottish castle that played host to the likes of Alfred Lord Tennyson, Charles Dickens, George Eliot and other prominent members of the 19th century literati is up for sale, HouseBeautiful reports.
The Craigbrook Castle, which came on the market for the first time in three centuries a few years ago, was built in 1542 on close to four-and-a-half acres (see more pictures here). It's been under the ownership of the Craigbrook Mortificaiton Trust since 1719, but was occupied by 19th century publisher extraordinaire Archibald Constable, which accounts for all the literary meet-ups. One imagines endless romantic chatter about how awesome nature is, lots of ink-stained fingeres and a surfeit of tea.
At just six million pounds, it's quite a shock to people like us who know next-to-nothing about castle real estate that this property is still on the market. In the meantime, we're hoping to come into a large enough inheritance by way of an unknown benefactor to purchase the place ourselves
Great Expectations reference.