
"I'll Knock Off $10, Cuz I Like Your Face"

A Made-In-Italy Chuckle of the Day

By Geoff Rynex ·
Ah, the old 1% off sale. See that's how they get you. I was really on the fence about pulling the trigger on the $900 Carrara marble keyholder/wallet nook/ashtray. Then Man of the World knocked it down to $890. Just goes to show it always pays to wait on these things. Maybe they'll even throw in free shipping if I get three. 

In all seriousness, MOTW is a fine publication and curator of expert-crafted goods, and if you've got the money, by all means, buy what they sell. But we'll take this opportunity to implore them to weed out some of the more absurd results of their sale algorithms.
Geoff Rynex

If Geoff Rynex is honest, he still doesn't really understand what Bitcoin is.

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