Things to do for February 28, 2013

The Weekender

Andy Warhol, Golf and Sunglasses

Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here. This is the weekend.

Finally, Some New Old Warhols for Sale

Finally, Some New Old Warhols for Sale

Andy Warhol. Guy really changed the way you look at a can of soup. Anyway, this weekend, you can bid on over 100 of his works in the first online auction of his art—from sketches to self-portraits to a painting he made with raspberry jam. Underrated medium, jam.

Just Some Handsome Golf Head Covers

Just Some Handsome Golf Head Covers

Your golf pants: nothing but the finest plaid. Your swing: ... getting there. Your clubs: not swaddled in handsome leather head covers. At least, not yet. On a related note, these guys Stitch make handsome leather head covers, and they just launched their online shop. You owe this to your 5-wood.

35% Off at Texas’s Finest Haberdashery

35% Off at Texas’s Finest Haberdashery

You’re familiar with an obscure law of physics called “the winter sale.” It states that as temperatures rise, the cost of impossibly handsome fall and winter clothes drops considerably. Just look: it’s happening at Austin’s Stag, where Jack Spade shirts, Penfield jackets and Life/After/Denim sweaters are now 35% off. It’s just science.

Meet Your New Sunglass Guys

Meet Your New Sunglass Guys

It’s crazy. All your life, you’ve gazed upon the world without the help of exceedingly stylish buffalo-horn-rimmed sunglasses. But now that the optical geniuses at Illesteva—who’ve made shades for Daniel Craig—just went e-commercial, you can do exactly that. You can never have too much buffalo horn.

Sharp Knives. In Both Senses.

Sharp Knives. In Both Senses.

So... let’s be honest. You don’t own an impossibly razor-sharp paring knife handcrafted in the Japanese knife-making city of Seki. Meaning, your sunchokes: not quite as perfectly sliced as they should be. So go and pick one of those up from Best Made. Then maybe figure out what a sunchoke is.

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