
Risky Business

Barreling Your Own Whiskey

None Your to-do list is really starting to stack up.

Shopping. Writing holiday party toasts. Barreling your own bourbon.

Which reminds us...

Meet Risky Whisky Barrel Pack, a kit that provides you with everything necessary to age and season your own bottle of whiskey, available now.

Sure, you could easily stroll to Sigel’s and grab a bottle of the good stuff. But this is about crafting your own, building a bourbon empire. And more importantly, putting your face on a bottle of booze.

This thing comes with all the basics: a glass jar they call a “mini barrel,” oak chips for seasoning and a bottle of 125-proof “juice.” Nucky would be proud.

You’ll start by pouring the booze into the jar and mixing in the chips. (Tip: more wood equals more flavor.) Go ahead and toss in a cinnamon stick or vanilla bean for something extra. After setting it aside for the aging process, you’ll get started on designing your label for the bottle. We’re envisioning a picture of you, shirtless, as a centaur. Possibly playing a banjo. (Just spitballing here.)

Once the distilling process is complete, you’ll pour your concoction into the bottle, add water, slap on the label and then bam: your bourbon is done.

Global marketing campaign not included.

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