Dr. K Vintage

K Factor

Rare Vintage on U Street

UD - Dr. K Vintage Nothing against the present, but today we’d like to discuss the past.

And not just any past, but the past of James Dean. Of Holden Caulfield. Of GIs enjoying passionate embraces with random ladies on the street.

Oh, and of KISS tour shirts.

So allow us to introduce you to Dr. K Vintage, a new storefront of vintage Americana, now open on U Street to help you suit up for winter like a vintage motorcycle movie villain.

We know what you’re thinking: another place to take in the smell of old vinyl while you peruse old golf pants and Union Jack shoulder bags. And sure, you could do that here. But the 1870s-era Levi’s on the wall are your first clue: this is someplace different. We’re talking sneakers and varsity sweaters from the 1950s (for practicing your underhand free throws) to mid-century motorcycle boots and Keith Richards-style skull rings (to steal the girlfriend of the guy practicing his free throws).

If it gets overwhelming, you’ll want to seek the counsel of Dr. K himself. A Thailand native with a rockabilly sensibility, he’s liable to take you through a photo essay on vintage navy peacoats, then point to where you can find them in the store.

Or you can ask him about his specialty: finding Levi’s going back to the ’30s and ’40s, back when men were men and jeans were jeans.

Which ought to earn you at least one random embrace.


Dr. K Vintage
1534 U St NW
Washington, DC, 20009

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