Sunset Cocktail Lounge

The Sunset Also Rises

A Rooftop Cocktail Lounge Above Palihouse

None 10 Photos Sunset Cocktail Lounge
In case you need to be convinced that a discreet rooftop with truffle martinis and staggering views is an appealing place you might want to—

Nah, you don’t. You don’t need convincing of that.

Here’s a place called Sunset Cocktail Lounge, a stunner of a new rooftop getaway with insane city views—now open Thursday through Saturday on top of Palihouse West Hollywood.

First, you’ll need to get on the guest list by emailing them, booking the space for a party, renting a room downstairs or convincing the lobby door girl that you’re “close, personal friends with Mr. Pali.” Then you’ll step into the elevator and bid all the Anglophilia adieu.

And suddenly, you’re standing in a charming rooftop courtyard bordered by ferns and flowers in vibrant boxes, with a striking central bar of corrugated metal and dark woods. And blue sky. Lots of that. What a difference five floors makes.

Then, well, everything’s easy. You’ll order your date a champagne-infused Hibiscus Royal and yourself a Midnight Train with scotch, ginger and smoked ice that makes your cocktail smokier as you drink it. (Not yet available in e-form.) Carry those to a pair of Adirondacks to chat lackadaisically over some bacon tater tots and just... bask.

Up here, no one can see you sightsee.

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