Republic Social House

Getting Social

A Giant New Rooftop in Grant Park

The neighborhood bar. You know the drill—comfy booths, local beers on tap, guys named Norm.

And that's all well and good. But let's just say the process could be different. Improved, even.

For example, by adding a very, very large roof deck.

Introducing Republic Social House, an unapologetically sharp hamlet of in-town merrymaking, soft-opening early next week in Grant Park.

On any given night here, you might catch a rogue pocket of Buckhead's sundressed finest curiously batting eyelashes across the room at a table of aptly mustachioed art students. You'll enter through the ground floor, where the mammoth bar—adorned with flat-screens and 10 jars of infused booze (think bacon bourbon and habanero tequila)—is a mere prelude to what awaits you upstairs.

There you'll find the aforementioned behemoth of a rooftop, where you'll claim a high-top, soak in the skyline and grab one of RSH's 12 signature melts (like the Love You Long Time, with seared ahi, muenster cheese and ginger wasabi dressing).

Now for a few noteworthy asides: every time the temperature meets or exceeds 95 degrees, you'll be privy to $1 beers on the rooftop, and every night at the stroke of 1:38am (because they can), time stands still as you and the rest of the bar unite over a gratis round of whiskey shots.

We hear Norm's considering relocating.


Republic Social House
437 C Memorial Dr
Atlanta, GA, 30312

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