Things to do for February 12, 2016

The Weekender

Seamore’s Ramen, Bondage and a Shakespeare Party

Desperado, why don’t you come to your weekend?

Seamore’s + Ramen Lab

Seamore’s + Ramen Lab

Seamore’s and Ramen Lab are getting together to serve up a roasted-monkfish ramen with Tokyo wave noodles, spicy relish and crispy garlic, throughout February, apparently, in an attempt to create the world’s longest line.

Through February, Seamore’s, 390 Broome St (at Mulberry), 212-730-6005

What’s C’H’C’M’s Is Yours, for Half

What’s C’H’C’M’s Is Yours, for Half

We’ve still got a couple months of less-than-temperate living to do. So the fact that C’H’C’M’ has a solid in-house line of blazers, cardigans, pullovers and beanies waiting for you down on Bond St is pleasant. That they’ve got them for half off right now is something more than pleasant.

Ongoing, C’H’C’M’, 2 Bond St (between Lafayette and Broadway), 212-673-8601

You’ll Need a Young Claire Danes

You’ll Need a Young Claire Danes

What They’re Doing: A party at the McKittrick inspired by Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo + Juliet. Live performances. An open tiki bar. Other things, probably.
What You’re Doing: Inviting someone who can pull off the Claire Danes angel costume, scoring the right Hawaiian shirt and having at it.

Yes to Bondage and Burlesque

Yes to Bondage and Burlesque

You: Is House of Yes doing anything for Valentine’s Day?
Us: Dinner served off of naked bodies. Bondage performances. Burlesque and contortionists. A hot-wax play area.
You: Oh. Right. Let’s go.

Two Guys Walk into a Bar...

Two Guys Walk into a Bar...

When chef James Knappett from London’s Bubbledogs (that place that does champagne and hot dogs) and chef Daniel Burns from Luksus get together for a two-night-only, 12-course collaboration dinner... you go. And you praise the concept of collaboration.

Feb 15-16, $175 (beer pairing $65), Luksus at Tørst, 615 Manhattan Ave (between Driggs and Nassau), Brooklyn, 718-389-6034

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