Aqua-Jet Miami

Rocket Man

Flying over South Beach. In a Jetpack.

None Maybe you have a death wish.

Maybe you actively seek danger.

Maybe you recently saw Iron Man 3 and thought you could out–Downey Jr. Downey Jr.

Either way... Jetpacks. Let’s discuss you strapping one onto your back and stepping into the ocean.

Sign a limited liability waiver for Aqua-Jet Miami, a South Beach outfit that’s prepared to hook you up to a water-powered jet and send you soaring over the ocean, available now.

Perhaps you’ve heard of this before. Or, if not, perhaps you’ve seen The Rocketeer. Basically, the idea here is that you put one of these rigs on. You hop into the Atlantic. You flip a switch. And you get hurled 30 feet above (or below) the waves on a 500-pound thrust of screaming water. So, yeah, it’s a good time.

You’ll want to add this to your list of things to do this summer. Then, you’ll want to call up these guys and book a session (or a private party). They’ll take you out by boat. They’ll give you 15 minutes’ worth of training. You’ll remark about how 15 minutes’ worth of training doesn’t seem sufficient. And then you’ll be left to your own aqua-jet-powered devices for the better part of an hour.

Try not to break anything.


Aqua-Jet Miami
300 Alton Rd
Miami Beach, FL, 33139

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